Historical Studies

Water: A Unique Substance

An electron, as acknowledged by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, possesses a mental tendency. This suggests that even the material world around us—composed of elementary particles forming objects such as chairs, tables, walls, and any other solid structure—is nothing more than one of the possible manifestations of consciousness.

Everything is consciousness, and from it, everything emerges, much like a grand Matrix, as Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, stated as early as 1944. As human beings, we are constantly choosing which aspects of this universal intelligence to bring into reality.

Our existence is built upon a vast ocean of waves of varying amplitudes and frequencies. Even the chair we sit on is made up exclusively of energy waves, composed of microscopic particles such as electrons, bosons, gluons, fermions, baryons, hadrons, photons, quarks, and more. These elements move at astonishing speeds, creating a condition that allows matter to retain its form. This phenomenon, though fascinating, appears paradoxical to our rational minds, as it seems to defy the laws of classical physics.


The Collapse of the Inorganic Matter Concept

The research of Masaru Emoto, combined with laboratory evidence, has challenged the traditional concept of inorganic matter. Supporting this perspective, scientist Marilyn Schlitz, Vice President for Research and Education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, defined intention as:
“A premeditated plan aimed at carrying out an action that will lead to a desired outcome.”

In other words, intention is a projection of awareness designed to influence an object or result.

At this point, the responsibility lies with us. Most people fail to influence reality in a consistent and meaningful way because they do not believe they can. Often, we formulate an intention in our minds, only to dismiss it immediately, thinking it is impossible or irrational. This mindset destroys the very possibility of making it a reality.

So much so that many researchers still ask today:

Can an individual, through their observation, influence reality?

The answer is yes—if that reality is alive.

Even Werner Karl Heisenberg, in the 1930s, explicitly stated that atoms are not objects, but tendencies. The physicist John Wheeler, one of the fathers of the atomic bomb, made an even more profound claim:

“The reality of the world is nothing but an act of participatory consciousness.”

Water and Energetic Memory

Guided by biochemist Lee H. Lorenzen, Masaru Emoto expanded on these ideas by applying them to the molecular structure of water. Water has proven to be an ideal element for responding to non-physical stimuli, reacting to mental influences.

According to recent studies in physics, the smallest discovered particles are mnemons, which could explain water’s ability to store information from its environment.

But why water? Among the four fundamental elements of nature—water, air, fire, and earth—water is the most receptive. Moreover, 72% of the human body consists of water, a percentage strikingly similar to the water content in Earth’s oceans and water reserves.

Building on these observations, Masaru Emoto conducted a series of water crystallization experiments, revealing harmonic or chaotic geometric structures depending on the psychic influences received. He documented these results with photographs captured through a dark-field microscope.

Everything that exists vibrates—matter itself is a condensed form of universal creative thought. Water, which is essential for life, also vibrates. Radiesthesists have been able to measure the vibrational frequencies of water, supporting this hypothesis.

Water as Vital Energy

Water is the foundation of all life and all substances. Without it, life as we know it would be impossible. It carries vital energy and has a memory capable of recording and transmitting specific frequencies, depending on the path it follows and the elements it encounters.

The hydro-frequency practice is based on the idea that everything in the universe vibrates and that certain waters possess an energetic vibration capable of generating beneficial effects.

The potential of water is determined by three fundamental types of energy:

  1. Electric
  2. Magnetic
  3. Polarized (cosmic energy)

According to Dr. Enza Ciccolo, sacred springs located in Marian apparition sites contain all seven fundamental frequencies that, according to the French school of auriculomedicine founded by Dr. Nogier, resonate with various human biological tissues.

Maseru Emoto,
“La memoria dell’acqua”,
in “The Hidden messages in water”, 2004

The Consciousness of Water

An electron, as acknowledged by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, possesses a mental tendency. This suggests that even the material world around us—composed of elementary particles forming objects such as chairs, tables, walls, and any other solid structure—is nothing more than one of the possible manifestations of consciousness.

Everything is consciousness, and from it, everything emerges, much like a grand Matrix, as Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, stated as early as 1944. As human beings, we are constantly choosing which aspects of this universal intelligence to bring into reality.

Our existence is built upon a vast ocean of waves of varying amplitudes and frequencies. Even the chair we sit on is made up exclusively of energy waves, composed of microscopic particles such as electrons, bosons, gluons, fermions, baryons, hadrons, photons, quarks, and more. These elements move at astonishing speeds, creating a condition that allows matter to retain its form. This phenomenon, though fascinating, appears paradoxical to our rational minds, as it seems to defy the laws of classical physics.

The Collapse of the Inorganic Matter Concept

The research of Masaru Emoto, combined with laboratory evidence, has challenged the traditional concept of inorganic matter. Supporting this perspective, scientist Marilyn Schlitz, Vice President for Research and Education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, defined intention as:
“A premeditated plan aimed at carrying out an action that will lead to a desired outcome.”
In other words, intention is a projection of awareness designed to influence an object or result.

At this point, the responsibility lies with us. Most people fail to influence reality in a consistent and meaningful way because they do not believe they can. Often, we formulate an intention in our minds, only to dismiss it immediately, thinking it is impossible or irrational. This mindset destroys the very possibility of making it a reality.

So much so that many researchers still ask today:

Can an individual, through their observation, influence reality?

The answer is yes – if that reality is alive.

Even Werner Karl Heisenberg, in the 1930s, explicitly stated that atoms are not objects, but tendencies. The physicist John Wheeler, one of the fathers of the atomic bomb, made an even more profound claim: “The reality of the world is nothing but an act of participatory consciousness.”

Water and Energetic Memory

Guided by biochemist Lee H. Lorenzen, Masaru Emoto expanded on these ideas by applying them to the molecular structure of water. Water has proven to be an ideal element for responding to non-physical stimuli, reacting to mental influences.

According to recent studies in physics, the smallest discovered particles are mnemons, which could explain water’s ability to store information from its environment.

But why water? Among the four fundamental elements of nature—water, air, fire, and earth—water is the most receptive. Moreover, 72% of the human body consists of water, a percentage strikingly similar to the water content in Earth’s oceans and water reserves.

Building on these observations, Masaru Emoto conducted a series of water crystallization experiments, revealing harmonic or chaotic geometric structures depending on the psychic influences received. He documented these results with photographs captured through a dark-field microscope.

Everything that exists vibrates—matter itself is a condensed form of universal creative thought. Water, which is essential for life, also vibrates. Radiesthesists have been able to measure the vibrational frequencies of water, supporting this hypothesis.

Water as Vital Energy

Water is the foundation of all life and all substances. Without it, life as we know it would be impossible. It carries vital energy and has a memory capable of recording and transmitting specific frequencies, depending on the path it follows and the elements it encounters.

The hydro-frequency practice is based on the idea that everything in the universe vibrates and that certain waters possess an energetic vibration capable of generating beneficial effects.

The potential of water is determined by three fundamental types of energy:

  1. Electric
  2. Magnetic
  3. Polarized (cosmic energy)

According to Dr. Enza Ciccolo, sacred springs located in Marian apparition sites contain all seven fundamental frequencies that, according to the French school of auriculomedicine founded by Dr. Nogier, resonate with various human biological tissues.

Maseru Emoto, “The Miracle of Water “, 2007
Maseru Emoto, “Water and Consciousness”, 2008
Francesco Oliviero, “Water and Consciousness”, 2015

The Value of PH

pH is an indicator that expresses the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a substance, measured on a scale from 0 to 14. The optimal pH of human blood is approximately 7.43.

Some research suggests that frequency-based techniques and electromagnetic fields can influence not only the molecular structure of water but also its acid-base balance (pH). The use of coherent electromagnetic frequencies may enhance the structuring of water molecules, altering their energetic state and thus affecting pH levels.

Systems like Nativas aim to restore the natural energetic state of water, contributing to the balance of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions. However, pH variations depend on the type of water being treated and its initial ionic composition

Robert Young, “The Miracle of Alkaline pH”, 2023

Free Radicals: A Threat to Our Body

Free radicals are unstable molecules with a positive charge (ORP⁺) that constantly seek free electrons. These molecules tend to steal electrons from neighboring cells, compromising their vitality and energy. This phenomenon is one of the leading causes of cellular aging.

To counteract the harmful effects of free radicals, it is essential to consume water rich in negative electrons (ORP⁻), as it has antioxidant properties. Water with negative ORP supplies missing electrons to oxidizing agents, preventing them from damaging the body's cells.

Unfortunately, the water we consume daily—whether bottled or from the tap—typically has a positive oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), around +270 mV, meaning it lacks antioxidant effects. This is why it is often referred to as “dead water.”

For water to provide significant health benefits, it should have a negative ORP of around -500 mV. Only in this way can it combat free radicals and slow down the aging process.

Today, we must filter, purify, bottle, chemically treat, and channel drinking water, whether from the tap or bottled. However, these processes deplete the water’s energy, stripping it of its vital properties.


H. Sharma,
"Free Radicals and How to Combat Them", 1995

Masaru Emoto and the Memory of Water

The Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto demonstrated that water can react to external stimuli such as sounds, words, images, thoughts, and prayers. His experiments revealed that positive stimuli—such as classical music, words of love, and images of happiness—promote the formation of harmonious, well-structured water crystals, enhancing the energy of the water itself.

Conversely, negative stimuli—such as dissonant music, words of hate, and images of war—prevent the formation of crystals, indicating a low energy level.

These findings suggest that water can be energized through specific methods, making it more beneficial and fully absorbable by the human body, contributing to overall health and well-being.

A high-quality water source should, therefore, be energized using symbols, frequencies, or specialized energization techniques. Only then can it provide maximum benefits to the body.

How to Obtain Living Water?

Living water, meaning energized water rich in beneficial properties, is virtually impossible to find in nature—except at high-altitude mountain springs, where it first emerges. However, it is not realistic for most people to travel daily to collect pure, vital spring water.

The search for living water with a high pH, negative ORP, and energized properties began many years ago. Thanks to our research and innovations, we have successfully developed a device capable of revitalizing water, restoring its original characteristics - just like freshly emerged spring water.


Masaru Emoto, "The Teaching of Water", 2005
Jacques Benveniste, "Nature", 1988
"The Energy of Water", art. pubblicato 16/01/2023