Energized Water The Nativas system enhances water using
natural frequencies, revitalizing it and restoring its structure
to resemble that of spring water
Richiedi informazioni

What is the Nativas System

Nativas is an innovative system designed to interact with water frequencies, significantly enhancing its physical and chemical properties.
Engineered for installation on existing water pipelines, Nativas offers an environmentally friendly solution that respects nature.

About us

“My interest in this field began twenty years ago
when Bioresonance, a frequency-based system for the body,
transformed my life following health issues...”.

Photos taken in 2019 in a laboratory in Brunico

Historical Insights

Water is an extraordinary element: it covers two-thirds of the Earth's surface and makes up 99% of the molecules in the human body. Numerous studies have examined its physical properties, yet until relatively recently, little was known about its subtle energetic properties.


Nativas Bioerogator

Water Tube

Water Tube Home System

Sink Water Tube

Shower Water Tube

Water Tube Garden

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